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MAPolitics and Governance in the Digital Age

Tuition fee €4,200 per year

There are 10 tuition waivers available for top ranked applicants in 2025, including 5 tuition waivers for EU/EEA/Swiss applicants, 5 tuition waivers for other applicants (regardless of citizenship).

More information on tuition fees is available at www.ut.ee/tuition.

NB! Applicants who are not citizens of EU/EEA/Switzerland must pre-pay half of the first semester’s tuition-fee after receiving an admission offer.

Application fee €100 one-time

Application fee is non-refundable.
Further information: www.ut.ee/application-fee

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Is digital transformation taking over the society? How are governments tackling secure data exchange and cybersecurity? How is and how should data analytics be employed in politics and governance? Are governments and public institutions allowed to profile citizens? Could digital transformation lead to greater discontent with politics and renewed authoritarian tendencies? How can democratic political leaders govern with higher efficiency whilst respecting citizens’ data privacy?

These are important challenges to tackle, especially in the digital era. The MA programme in Politics and Governance in the Digital Age offers you the knowledge and skills for this enquiry.

This MA programme integrates key fundamentals of governance, digital transformation and data analysis as essential aspects of political developments in the contemporary world. Understanding digital governance is key for building a successful career in modern government, digital civil society, politics or international organisations.

The programme provides in-depth knowledge about core topics of political science such as modern political institutions, elections, political behaviour and ethics, combined with data-driven governance, e-democracy and critical thinking in the digital society. This is reinforced by training in data analytics, research methods and quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques.

Why study Politics and Governance in the Digital Age?
• UT is ranked in the top 200 universities in the world in politics (QS Rankings 2021).
• Special emphasis on big data and digital method analysis.
• Estonia is one of the most dynamic reformers in Europe while maintaining a stable democracy and social environment. It is a leader in e-government, e-voting and other governance fields.
• Acquire all essential skills and knowledge to have a successful career in modern government, civil society, politics and international organisations.

Programme structure

Please see the programme structure in our Study Information System

Career opportunities

This MA programme will provide you with essential skills and knowledge both in comparative political science as well as in data analytics. Political scientists study the structure and theory of government and seek practical and theoretical solutions to political problems. Data analytics adds practical solutions to the identified problems. After graduating our programme many possibilities for applying your skills and knowledge will open up.
One option is, of course, to run in the next elections and become a parliamentarian, shaping policy. However, much more often the expertise and analytical skills of political scientists are enlisted by electoral candidates to ensure (re-) election. They thus become political aides or consultants, helping in electoral campaigns or with analyzing and interpreting legislative issues and constituencies once the candidate has been elected; they also often work in ministries and other state institutions (both on the national and supra-national levels) to ensure the implementation and monitoring of specific policies and laws.

Yet, many political scientists choose to stay outside the halls of power and state administration and become political commentators on TV and radio or write columns for newspapers, online portals or blogs; others may employ their analytical skills as policy analysts or public opinion pollsters in think tanks and other non-academic research institutes. Finally, political scientists are well-prepared to work in the third sector – as issue-related civic activists, consultants or managers of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and initiatives concerned with public accountability, equality, minority rights, refugee support or other crucial components of a functioning liberal democratic state and society.
What is crucial in all of these different jobs is the political scientist’s ability to set aside his/her own prejudices and remain objective in gathering and analysing data as well as presenting the findings. In addition, digital competencies are now essential to the skill set that is required in every field of life. The MA programme Politics and Governance in the Digital Age will help to achieve this personal integrity and professionalism for future employment, wherever it may be.

Our graduates have gone to work as experts in think tanks, government offices, and NGOs both in their native countries or in international hubs like Brussels. Some have opted for academia and continued in doctoral studies.

Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025