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PhDEducational Sciences: "Technology-supported Language Learning in Estonian as second language in Early Childhood and Primary Education" (Doctoral Student position)

Application fee €100 one-time
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Objectives of the Programme:

  • creating conditions for achieving professionalism in the field of Educational Sciences and
  • conducting independent research on an internationally recognized level;
    supporting doctoral students in becoming highly qualified university teachers, scientists, and experts in the field of education.

The graduate:

  • is able to ground the solutions to problems in educational sciences from the broader point of view of social sciences;
  • is familiar with the modern approaches to the methodology of research;
  • is able to plan a study and use research methods and data analysis methods;
  • is able to effectively work with scientific texts and to create these themselves;
  • is ready for scientific communication and cooperation with other researchers
Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment