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PhDGeography (Incorporating knowledge infrastructure to green transitions: learning from campus interventions, MSCA)

Tuition fee FREE
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The EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network SUNSET aims to enhance research and training capabilities linked to the city-university interactions driving the EU’s green and digital transition. The SUNSET Doctoral Network will explore how universities can become key drivers of the twin transition, and train researchers to lead this transition.

Essential requirements:

  • You have completed a master’s degree in human geography, urban studies, spatial planning, public governance, sociology, or a related social science field, preferably acquired recently, or possess corresponding qualifications that could provide a basis for successfully completing a doctorate;
  • Specialization in urban planning will be beneficial;
  • You have a keen interest in urban studies, sustainable and inclusive mobility, and green transitions;
  • You have solid and documented abilities for conducting qualitative research in social sciences.

General information:

  • Full-time paid position as a junior research fellow at the University of Tartu for 36 months, funding for additional 12 months will potentially be available;
  • Mean funding rate per month for 36 months: 2,040€ living allowance + 448€ mobility allowance + 370€ family allowance if eligible (net approximately 1,570€ + 345€ + 285€); potential funding for 12 additional months will be in a reduced amount;
  • Supervisory team: Prof. Age Poom (PhD main supervisor, University of Tartu), Prof. Marketta Kyttä (PhD co-supervisor, Aalto University), Prof. Aveliina Helm (PhD co-supervisor, University of Tartu), Kertu Vuks (secondment host, City of Tartu);
  • Start of the studies: 2 September 2024.