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PhDChemical and Physical Sciences (Physics, Involvement of inorganic and organic ions in atmospheric new particle formation, MSCA)

Tuition fee FREE
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Applications are invited from highly-motivated individuals wishing to carry out a PhD thesis on atmospheric research conducted at the CLOUD facility at CERN, with a particular focus on ion processes and their effects on aerosols and clouds. The successful applicant will be supervised by Prof. Heikki Junninen at the University of Tartu. You will be based in Tartu, Estonia, for 9-10 months per year and 2-3 months per year in CERN, Geneva. Further information about the PhD studies: ut.ee/en/doctoral-studies

This 3-year full-time PhD student and Junior Research Fellow (Early Stage Researcher, ESR) position is at the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Estonia. Doctoral studies and the employment contract is expected to start as soon as possible.

The position is part of the EU Horizon Europe Marie Curie International Training Network CLOUD-DOC, a multi-site network of ten ESRs at ten partner institutions across Europe, plus two ESRs supported by matching funds from national funding agencies.